May God be our guide through this New Year that lies ahead. All is in His hands.
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- Category: Prayer
- Written by Nicole
- Hits: 4519
But if Christ lives in you, the Spirit is life for you because you have been put right with God. Romans 8: 10 |
Our Ministers We thank You Lord for all the men and women You have called to serve You in full time ministry. We thank You for their diligence, patience and faithfulness in their service, and their loving care for all those that gather in their congregation. Bless the time they spend seeking Your will and way, not only for their own lives but for the members of their congregation and friends and family. Inspire them as they seek Your Word to bring, week by week, to the people in their care. Thank You for each one who serves You! |
Church Lord, we bring You all members of our congregation and their families. Bless each one as they seek to serve You where You have placed them. You have given us a place where we can gather together in Your Name, and we rejoice to worship and honour You there as one people under God. Thank You for this established church and the many people who worship and serve You. We rejoice to be Your own, Lord. Thank You for this church and people. |
Church Leaders There are faithful men and women who have accepted positions of leadership within the church. Thank You for each one and the faithfulness of their service. Guide them as they seek You will and way for that area where You have placed them. Bless them as they help others grow in their faith through teaching and study, and sharing of their love for You and one another. |
South Africa Lord, bless South Africa. As we go forward into this new year we pray for Your hand of blessing upon us all. There are many issues that need to be resolved in our land, and we pray for the leadership of our country that they may be faithful in whatever they are commissioned to do. We pray for rain for those area which are still in the grip of drought, that the farmers may know the blessing that rain brings to every living thing. God, bless us in the year ahead, we pray! |
The Needy Watch over and care for those we bring to You now, dear Lord. Many are facing illness or other difficulties and we pray for Your grace and mercy to rest on each one we name. Bless and help our loved ones, we pray O Lord! |
Monday 27th January Psalm 96: 1 - 13 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Raise your voices in praise of the living Lord! He is Holy indeed, and worthy of the praises of all of His Creation. He rules from Heaven and He watches over His Creation with loving kindness and guides and helps all His people. Raise your voices in praise of our Lord and our God. He cares for us with exceeding love. He guides our feet on paths that lead to the Holy Heavens. Each day we wake in His care. Each night we are protected by Him. His loving kindness sustains us and we rejoice over the life that He holds dear. We raise our hearts and voices in songs of praise and worship. He is our God, our Lord and we desire no other. Blessed is the name of our Most High God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God cares for us day by day guiding our footsteps along paths of service for Him. He is to be praised. We worship You, Almighty God, bringing our offerings of praise and love to You. Bless the Lord, O my soul!! |
Tuesday 28th January Exodus 34: 6 - 7 Our Compassionate God! God spoke these immortal words to Moses, “I am the Lord, am a God who is full of compassion and purity, who is not easily angered and who shows great love and faithfulness. I keep My promises for thousands of generations and forgive evil and sin.” God, our God, promises to love us eternally. He may chastise, but does not destroy the one who comes seeking forgiveness. His love surrounds all of His Creation, even those who refuse to acknowledge Him as the Lord of all. He takes care of those who worship and serve Him; those who keep His laws and are kind and caring of one another. To serve God Almighty is a good thing and we deserve gladness through our faithful worship. God is our Lord, our Father, our all! Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Bow down before Him – the Lord is His Name. Praise God and our Lord and Saviour. Worship and adore Him. He is the Lord – forever more! |
Wednesday 29th January Jeremiah 29 11 - 13 God’s Plans! God’s plans for us, His children are perfect in every way. If we think we can plan without God’s help and input, we are sadly mistaken. Everything that has happened, or will happen rests in God’s Hands. He has a plan for our lives that if we find it and follow it will lead to a joyful and satisfied life. But we need to consult God before barging ahead with whatever plan we make. Sit before Him and ask Him to help you plan. He will give you thoughts that will help the plan come together. God longs to communicate with us, His children. Sit quietly before Him, ask Him for His plans for the project or task you want to do and allow God to speak to you in your mind. Write down what God tells you. You will be amazed at the detail God gives for the plan. Follow His promptings and you will succeed. God’s thoughts are higher than ours. Allow him to speak to your heart and then follow His plan for your life!! |
Thursday 30th January Romans 12; 2 God’s Standards! We grow up in the standards of the world; first within our family, then through our teachers; the people we mix with; our friends and our work mates. But when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we encounter a completely new set of standards. God writes these standards on our heart as we read His Word, the Bible, as we grow in our prayer life, and as we live out all we do in honour of our Lord. God changes our mind set – so that we can understand His will and take it deep into our hearts, and desire to live fully in it. Slowly by surely our values change as we grow in the likeness of our Lord Jesus Christ. God writes His will on our hearts and we desire to live fully in it – pleasing Him in every way. Don’t conform yourself to the standards of the world, but let God change you to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. Give thanks for the changes made in your life because of God’s great love for you! |
Friday 31st January 1 John 3: 21 Have courage! If our conscience is clear then we know we can approach God with confidence. If we have something that we want to hide from God we will hesitate before approaching Him. Nothing can be hidden from our Lord. Our lives are like an open book and God can read every line. If there is ought that you are keeping from God now is the time to open your heart before Him. If there is something to confess, do so and receive His forgiveness. If there is joy to bring before Him, worship, praise and thank Him, God is all-seeing and the only way to come before Him is to be totally open and honest. We can have courage before God, for God is a loving, helping and forgiving God. Worship the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. He is your Creator! You have been born to be in a loving relationship with Him. Praise the Lord, O my soul! Saturday 1st February 1 Timothy 2: 3 - 5 God wants us all to be saved! God’s awesome plan for His Creation is for everyone to meet His Son Jesus, and to believe in Him. We need to be saved from our ignorance and sin, and to believe that Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth to live and die on our behalf. This truth can save all who believe. God rules supremely but there is One who brings God and man together, and that is Jesus Christ, Son of God. Everyone who believes in Jesus can be saved. Accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Live from now on as His follower. Jesus will help you learn of the love of God and the forgiveness of sins that you can experience through His Son. This belief and forgiveness enables you to come to heaven and eternal life – forever in the presence of God Almighty, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit of God. Believe and be saved! Give thanks to God Almighty for the saving grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ! |
Sunday 2nd February Thank You Lord, that as we move into a new year we have You to thank for the year that has passed. You have helped and guided us day by day, and we give You thanks and praise for Your loving care. We place ourselves into Your hands at the start of this new year, praying that You will guide us throughout life’s experiences. We seek to serve You to the very best of our ability, and pray that You will guide us in our relationships and the work that we do. You have blessed us mightily Lord, and we rejoice over Your loving care. Thank You for the time of rest that we had while celebrating the birth of our Lord through gathering together in family time and worship. Thank You for the year that lies ahead and we pray for Your will to be done in our lives as we give You honour in all that we do. Praise and glory to our Lord and God. Hallelujah! |