Keep your covenant with Me, your Lord, and dedicate yourselves to Me. (Jeremiah 4: 4)
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- Category: Prayer
- Written by Nicole
- Hits: 5141
Everything is pure to those who are themselves pure; but nothing is pure to those who are defiled and unbelieving. Titus 1 : 15 |
Our Ministers Lord, You have called men and women to be speakers of the Word, to bring Your message to the people of their community. Bless the work that they do to help those in need and to study and teach about our Lord, Jesus Christ. Bless all who minister and spend their time and effort to spread the Word of our Lord far and wide. May all who minister be strong in prayer and preaching, as well as having strong leadership qualities? Bless all those who minister the Word and Sacraments. |
Church You have established Your church here Lord, and encourage men and women to gather together in Your Name; to worship together, to partake of communion together, to share in Bible Study, to lead women’s meetings, to run men’s meetings, to run prayer meetings, to worship and honour You through their faithfulness. Bless all members of our church Lord, and enable them to live lives that bring honour to Your Name. |
Church Leaders Bless all those who have taken on a leadership role in the church, Lord. They give unselfishly of their time and effort to ensure that activities run smoothly and that people are built up and supported in all that takes place in the church. Bless those leaders who give support for the minister, so that the load is not too heavy to do. You call men and women to lead, Lord, and we thank You for each one. Bless them al! |
South Africa We bring our land South Africa to You now, Lord. Guide and help our leaders, those who stand in Parliament, as well as those in local government. May they be guided and helped to be honest, diligent and hard working in the area that they have been appointed to. Bless all men and women who give so generously of their time and effort to help the community where they serve. Thank You for all both local and national who stand ready to serve with diligence and faithfulness. |
The Needy Watch over and care for those we bring to You now, dear Lord. Many are facing illness or other difficulties and we pray for Your grace and mercy to rest on each one we name. Bless and help our loved ones, we pray O Lord! |
Monday 3rd February Psalm 54: 1 - 7 God, our protector! Day by day we face challenges and difficulties, and often do not know what God has kept at bay from harming us. There is so much out in the world yet God gives us protection all the time. He keeps trouble out of the way. He prevents robbers and thieves from harming us. He controls the traffic on the roads so that we can get safely to our destination. God is always at work, protecting us in ways we do not even know. Trust in the Lord. He is our Saviour and Protector. He keeps us safe for His good works. Serve the Lord with joy for He has a plan for your life and will care for you all life-long. Give thanks for the wonderful, loving care and protection of our God. He is to be praised. Worship the Lord. Lift your hands in praise and thanksgiving. Blessed is our Lord and our God! |
Tuesday 4th February Romans 3: 21 Right standing with God! There is only one way we can be in right standing with God Almighty, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son. On our own we can never become acceptable to God, for man is wicked beyond measure. Only through the Grace of God and our acceptance of Jesus as His beloved Son, is it possible. Jesus is pure and holy. He did no wrong, yet He was put to death for our sins. In this way His purity and sacrifice became our Salvation. We, who now accept and believe that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour, are acceptable to God Almighty. Our past has been wiped out and we are new creatures in Christ. God’s Grace and our love for, and our following Jesus, His Son, our Lord and Saviour, has made us safe forever more. We belong to God. We are now in right standing with our Lord and our God. Praise God! His Grace has saved us from ourselves through His Son, Jesus Christ! |
Wednesday 5th February 1 Thessalonians 5: 12 - 25 Christian Life! In our lives as Christians we have to followthe instructions that Paul wrote about. They apply to us all and by living according to these rules we will be doing all we can to live as God desires us to do. As we read these words let us take them to heart and truly try to live as our Lord lived His life. Warn the idle, help the weak, be patient with everyone, aim always to do good to one another. Be joyful always, pray at all times and be thankful in all circumstances. Follow these instructions and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. In this way you will be fulfilling all that God in His Glory desires for the followers of Jesus, His Son. May God make you holy in every way, spirit, soul and body. Give thanks to God for His loving kindness and for sending us the One who is the perfect example for us. Blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God Almighty, our Lord and Saviour! |
Thursday 6th February 1 Timothy 2; 3 God Saves! God’s love for His creation is without measure or end. We only know in part what that love is like, but one day we will know its fullness. God takes care of us every moment of our lives. He directs our ways, pouring love into every meeting we have, whether in prayer before Him, or in caring for another. His love is all encompassing, embracing everyone who was, is, or to be born. As we acknowledge the all-embracing love of our Creator we grow more in love with Him, and our fellow people. God has put His love in our hearts, enabling us to love others and to grow in the fruit of His Spirit. Our love for God, Jesus, our Lord, and the blessed Holy Spirit spills over in our behaviour towards others. Love is the way God wants us to live and in our relationship with Him and one another we know a richness of spirit that comes from Him. Blessed is our Lord and our God who saves us through His everlasting love! |
Friday 7th February 2 Thessalonians 1: 11 God makes us worthy! God, who called you into a relationship with Him wants you to be worthy of the life He has called you to live. You have accepted Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son to be your Lord and Saviour, and desire to grow in goodness and love to be like Him. As you follow the example Jesus has set for us you will grow in the fruit of the Spirit with love, joy, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, peace and self-control. God will help you day by day to be worthy of the calling He has placed on your life. The task He has given is for the benefit of all people. Work hard to complete that task. God delights in the faithfulness of those who accept His Son as their Lord. God’s loving care and guiding hand helps us stay on the path set before us. Give thanks to our blessed Triune God for His Grace, Mercy and loving care. He watches over us and blesses us in every way. Saturday 1st February Jeremiah 1: 4 - 5 God’s Choice! We are truly blessed to be called “Children of the Most High God!” God had decided long before we were born just what we are going to be and do for Him. He knew when we were to be born, whether we were to be male or female, and just what we would do in His service. His love for us is without measure. He watches over us every minute of our lives and guides our footsteps in service for Him. He gifts each person born with gifts that suit their personality and character. He guides their living and builds up their gifting. His choice of you to be His spokesman can take many different forms. He gives us the task to spread Word of His love throughout our lives to as many as possible. He has not made a mistake in choosing you and gifting you in a particular way. All that you do for God is a blessing. Praise and thank Himfor His choice and trust in you and your abilities! |
Sunday 8th February All praise, glory and honour to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Blessed is His Name, and the work of His hands. We praise You Lord, and thank You for Your loving care and guiding hand upon our lives. You called us to be Your own and as we responded You filled us with the Holy Spirit of God, enabling us to be faithful to You in thought, word and deed. We rejoice that we belong to You, O Lord, and go out each day with love in our hearts for Your creation and every man, women and child who comes across our path. We look to You Lord, for help and guidance as we go about our daily lives. We desire to bring You pleasure, and so we worship You with heart, soul, mind and strength. Blessed is the Lord of Lords. Holy is He and worthy of all praise. We raise You high O Lord, Blessed is Your Name. Hallelujah to our God and King. Praise the Lord, O my soul! |