Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good; His love is eternal. Repeat these words in praise to the Lord, all you whom He has saved. (Psalm 107: 1 – 2)
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- Category: Prayer
- Written by Nicole
- Hits: 3513
About the Son, however, God said: Your kingdom, O God, will last for ever and ever! Hebrews 1: 8 |
Our Ministers We pray for all who minister the Word of God! We pray for the time they spend studying and preparing the message to bring to the congregation they serve. We pray for their well-being, for the comfort they bring to those in need, and for the way they give unstintingly of their time and effort to ensure that the members of their congregation receive the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thank You for each one who serves Almighty God and His Son in full-time ministry. Thank You for them, Lord! |
Church Bless this place where we gather together to worship our Lord and Saviour. You have established us Lord, and continually support and encourage us as we seek to serve both You, Lord, and mankind. Help us as we bring Your message to others. You have brought us together Lord, and help us support one another as we seek to live each day as Your own. Guide and help us to be able to reach many others as we go out in Your Name, to bring love into this world. |
Church Leaders Thank You for each person who has volunteered their services in the church. Their leadership qualities enable them to help others grow in knowledge through instruction and teaching. There are many areas in the church where leaders are required, and we thank each one who has volunteered their services in honour of our Lord and our God. Bless all who lead in so many ways Lord, helping others on their faith journey to grow in knowledge and understanding of Your will and way for their lives and for Your church. |
South Africa God, bless our land South Africa, and all her people in their diversity. You have helped us along this journey called life, sharing with other people groups of our knowledge, wisdom and faith. God, bless South Africa and take us forward in Your loving care, doing Your will in our lives and helping others grow in knowledge of Your greatness and Your love. Bless our land, in all her diversity, and draw us together as one people who serve and honour the God of all. Bless us Lord – all across our beautiful country. Thank You! |
The Needy There are many who are in need Lord, and as we name them now before You we pray for their health and well-being. We trust them into Your loving care, O Lord. Help and heal each one, we pray! |
Monday 10th February Matthew 17: 20 - 21 Have faith! How is your faith and trust in our Lord, Jesus Christ? Do you immediately begin with the task He has given you to do, or do you flounder and argue and say, “I can’t do that, or, I haven’t got the ability!” Or, are you filled with faith in God and His Son and immediately start thinking of ways and means to be able to begin that task? God wants us to trust Him and His plans for our lives. He won’t give you a task to do without giving you the ability to bring it into being. Don’t delay in starting with that task that God has entrusted into your care. Plan and work steadily to bring the task to fruition. It may be a once off task, or a task that will take months or even years to complete. Don’t delay. Begin as you mean to carry on. The work you do will bring honour to our Lord and you will know His closeness and leading. Give thanks that God has entrusted you with that task. |
Tuesday 11th February John 17: 1 The time has come! Jesus acknowledged before God that He had done all that God required of Him, and now the hour of surrender had arrived. This moment of total surrender came at great cost. Jesus had done exactly as God had ordained for Him, and now at the end of a life given for others it was time for the final curtain to fall. We may not be asked to make such a sacrifice as Christ did, but there is still a challenge for us all - to answer God’s call and to serve Him in the world. Have you actively sought God’s will? If not, then do so soon. God has work for you to do. It may not be so severe as to cost you your life, but now is the hour to seek the Lord and His work for you. The time has come. Give up your selfish, self-centred lives and embrace what God has prepared for you to do. As you unselfishly work for the Lord you will gain riches beyond understanding. Work for the Lord with body, soul and spirit! |
Wednesday 12th February Colossians 3: 10 - 15 A new being! When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you become a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come. God, our Father and Creator is constantly working with us to make us grow in the likeness of His image, so as to bring us to full knowledge of Himself. We become the children of God, chosen by Him and loved by Him. We grow in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. We are filled with the love of God, which enables us to love all others. Thus we can work together in harmony with all manner of people. The peace of our Lord fills us, guides us and helps us in the decision we have to make. Thus, all of our life in now under the guiding Hand of God Almighty, Jesus, our Lord, and the Holy Spirit. We are enabled to walk the path of righteousness, assured that we will be with them in heaven one day! |
Thursday 13th February Isaiah 54: 13 God will teach us! We don’t need anyone to teach us about God and His ways, for He tells us, “I, Myself, will teach your people!” What does our Lord and our God want to teach us? God promises prosperity, peace, justice and righteousness to us. He will protect us throughout our lives. Though we may face hardship, we will never be broken, for God is our protector and defender. He knows what we have to face and gives us strength and purpose for the issues we must overcome. He teaches us of His greatness and ability and will prevent any opponent from succeeding. In this way God show us that we are immense value to Him and He will do whatever is necessary to protect us from harm. Give thanks to the Lord our God, for His Hand of loving care and protection always upon us. Praise Him, ye servants of the Lord! Raise His Name High! He is the Lord Almighty! |
Friday 14th February Ezekiel 14: 9 - 11 Serve with integrity! God hates it when His people serve idols and this leads them into sin. God wants His people to keep pure lives, free from sin and from following other gods. We need to come back to God with open minds and hearts, seeking His way for our lives. it is so easy to follow the crowds and do whatever everyone else is doing. But God does not want us to be like everyone else. He wants us to be pure and holy, totally dedicated to Him and not concerned about the way other folk live. Our love for God and our desire to be His own helps us to live a life that is focussed on Him. He calls us to be diligent and faithful to Him only and not to make gods of other people or things. Keep yourself pure and holy, totally dedicated to God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ. This will please the Lord. Give thanks that God warns His people when they stray from His intended pathway. Bless the Lord, O my soul! Saturday 15th February Philippians 2: 12 - 18 Christ’s Life-blood! Paul writes in Philippians of the concern that his life blood may have to be shed in His service for God, just as Christ’s life-blood was poured out for us on the Calvary Cross. Paul was willing to give up his life if it was to be. He encouraged Christ’s followers to work too willing to make us all willing and able to obey His purposes. Paul was such a faithful follower of our Lord and the example of his life is one what we can follow if Christ calls us to it. Paul counted it an honour to suffer for the sake of the Gospel message. He faced many trials and urges us to be strong in our faith if called to suffer. We have given our lives to our Lord, and rejoice in whatever we face in His cause. Praise the Lord, and give Him all that you have promised! |
Sunday 16th February All blessing, praise and honour be unto our Lord and our God. We worship and lift Him high so that the world can join in the celebration of His loving kindness to all of His Creation. We worship and honour the Lord, most high - bringing our prayers of worship and praise before Him. He is our Lord, high and lifted up, worthy of all the love that we can bring. He is beyond all things, ruling and reigning in heaven above. We worship You, blessed Lord, bringing our prayers of honour before You. You are all in all to us, and we offer ourselves to You for You to guide and help us as we seek to serve You to the very best of our abilities. Take us Lord, out of the pits and into Your glorious presence. We worship You. We honour You. We bring You praise and glory and our very lives. Blessed be the Name of our Lord and our God. We honour and worship You, blessed Lord. Praise Your holy name! Hallelujah!! |