I know what you have done; I know how hard you have worked and how patient you have been. You are patient, you have suffered much for My sake, and you have not given up. (Revelation 2: 2 & 3)


He did this so that they would look for Him, and perhaps find Him as they felt about for Him. Yet God is actually not far from any one of us; as someone has said, “In Him we live and move and have our being.”   Acts 17: 27


Our Ministers

Lord, we ask for Your hand of protection and blessing to be upon those You have called into full-time ministry. Be near them in their daily work Lord, as they seek to serve You and to bring Your Word to others. Watch over them and help them in their service to many. Bless the work that they do in obedience to Your call upon their lives. May they encourage others in their walk as followers of Your Son, Jesus Christ!


We bring our church and people to You this day Lord. As we gather together week by week we pray that we may grow in knowledge of Your Word, seeking to live lives that are faithful to our Lord Jesus in every way. Help us as we meet together under Your leadership, bringing Your Word to many. May we live each day honouring our Lord Jesus by the way we live, spreading the Good News in whatever way we can. Bless us as we gather together as Your people. Lord!

Church Leaders

Thank You for each one You have chosen to be a leader in this congregation. You have given them qualities that help them in the role they undertake, and enable them to lead others through those qualities You have given. As they preach, teach and share with one another may they be blessed by You and guided in the role they have taken on. Bless all those who stand in a leadership role in our church Lord, we pray!

South Africa

We bring our land, South Africa, and her people to You today, O Lord. Will you bless us and guide us to live as You desire, in harmony with one another as we serve You in our local community. We pray for rain to fall in those areas where drought has brought despair. We need Your hand of blessing upon our land, Lord, so that we can go forward as Your own people, taking care of our friends and neighbours. Lord, bless our land and people, we pray!

The Needy

There are many in need Lord, and we bring our loved ones to You now, praying for Your helping healing hand to rest upon them and restore them to full health. You know each one Lord, and we pray for Your blessing to touch and help each one we name now. Thank You Lord!

Monday 24th February               Galatians 4: 14

Jesus receives us!   We may come to the Lord with fear and trembling, but Jesus is totally generous and loving, and welcomes us as He would receive an angel from heaven! Jesus will never turn us away. He is as eager to meet with us as we are to meet with Him. It is such a privilege to be accepted unconditionally by our Lord and King. Nothing we have ever done will cause Jesus to reject us. His love for us is unconditional. If we come with troubles in our heart, He understands and brings His calm and loving manner into the situation to bring peace to our souls. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is always calm and welcoming, loving us in our situation till His calmness is accepted by us and absorbed into our hearts. We can leave His presence restored and renewed by His everlasting love and understanding. Go forth in peace and harmony to serve Him in the world.

Tuesday 25th February                 Habakkuk 3: 17 - 18

Even though! Even though the world is torn apart through wars and rumours of wars, I will trust in my Lord and my God. Even though I may be brought down by illness, I will praise my God for He still cares for me. Even though my fortunes waver and I have no food in my house, yet I will trust in God who fed His Son in the desert by the ravens bringing food. Even though I am left alone, when family and friends desert me, yet I will trust in the Lord my Saviour who is ever present, surrounding me with love. Even though my health can fail I will still trust my Lord and my God who cares for me in every circumstance. Even though my fortunes fail I will trust in God and His Son for I know that I am loved by them and cared for regardless of my health or future. Give praise to the God of All, my Lord Almighty and the Holy Spirit of God who loves me, supports me, guides me and helps me every moment of my life. He is ever with me!!

Wednesday 26th February         Colossians 2: 12 - 14

New Life!   Before we met Christ we lived lives doing whatever we wanted to, not realizing how harmful some of those practises were. We did not realise that we were spiritually dead because of our behaviour. We lived according to our own will, when and where, not to the law of God. We were destined for hell. But Christ came and met us on that road. We accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour and obeyed His call to live as His followers, putting behind us all our previous behaviour and habits. Now God has called us to a new life in Christ. All our sins are forgiven. Hold fast to Christ. Learn from Him and grow in loving kindness under His care and His teaching. Through His love He has cancelled all our sins and now declares us a new creation and free from the power of sin, now faithful in every way to God and His Son, Jesus. We have found new life through God’s Grace and Christ’s sacrifice of His life.

Thursday 27th February             2 Corinthians 3: 1 - 18

God’s message! God sends a message of love, written on human hearts. By ourselves we have not the capability, but the Spirit of God comes to write on human hearts. We are given the capacity to do God’s work under His direction. The Holy Spirit of God comes with glory to bring us to salvation. Being joined to Christ brings freedom, for the Spirit of the Lord is present. We are capable of doing the work that God has appointed us to do because He has given us the capacity to do so. He has filled us with His Glory and we reflect that Glory that comes from the Lord Himself. We are transformed into His likeness, reflecting His Glory. Give thanks to the Lord of all who shines through us with His Glory, changing us moment by moment into His likeness. We have the letter of Christ written on our faces so that all can see His Glory in us.

 Friday 28th February         John 7: 16 - 18

God – our Teacher!   We have been called by God for some special task that He has prepared for us. It is different for everyone, for God considers all aspects of our lives and character before He gives us that task to do. There is much to learn, but God encourages us to expand those areas that He wants us to use in service for Him. The message that all of us have to spread abroad is of the love of God for all mankind. He wants people to turn from other gods and follow His Son Jesus with faithfulness and dedication. We all have been touched by the Love of God for us and He has brought Jesus Christ, His Son, into our lives. By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we have become His disciples, destined to live our lives promoting all His Works and Teachings. Do as God requires. Dedicate yourself as a Christ follower, ready to love as God requires and to spread Word of the great love of God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Saturday 29th February              Psalm 41: 1 - 3

The Lord always helps!   God cares for all of His Creation. He sees how we are and when we are sick He comes and restores us to health. Sometimes this restoration can take a long time but never think that God has forsaken you. He does not do so. The Lord helps when we are sick and restores us to health. We can all give thanks to God for His loving care and His restoration of our health. Though at times the healing can take a long time, God does not take His hand of help and healing away from His own. God’s loving care is there for all who call upon His Name. He hears the cry of all of His own and will always answer that cry for help. Take your concerns to the Lord. Talk about them to our God. He is not deaf and uncaring. He is our loving Father who will do anything to restore us to full health. Give thanks to God our Father, our Healer. Praise His Name!

Sunday 1st March                

Praise the Lord, O my soul! Let all that is within me praise His Holy Name. We come Lord, to honour You and thank You for Your gracious, kind and loving care of us all. You lead us gently on the road that leads to heaven, encouraging us to live with love in our hearts, for You and for all people. You gave us the perfect example to follow, Lord, and encourage us day by day to live and love others as You have shown us. We rejoice to know Your loving care, and thank You for the standards You have set for us to follow. Day by day we rejoice to know Your leading and Your fellowship encouraging us as we live as Your own. Your blessings surround us Lord, and we rejoice to be called children of the Most High God. Blessed Jesus, Lord and Saviour, we praise and honour Your Holy Name. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. Praise the Lord, now and always. Hallelujuh!


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