The Lord says, “I am the One who strengthens you” (Isaiah 51 : 12)


The Helper will come - the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God and who comes from the Father. I will send Him to you from the Father, and He will speak about Me.

John 15: 26


Our Ministers

Lord, we pray for those You have appointed to minister to others about You and Your Word. You have called them to study and learn and listen to Your Word to them, and then to go out and bring that Word to many others. We pray for strength and loyalty as they study, read and prepare the message to bring to those in their congregation. Thank You for the faithfulness of these men and women who have been called by You to serve in full-time ministry. Bless them, Lord.


Lord, we bring Your people to You this day. They gather together as the church - worshipping, studying and ministering to others as You have called them to do. May Your Word go out and touch many others and draw them into the local church. May there be love and support for all people Lord, as they gather together to worship and honour You in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Church Leaders

Thank You for the men and women You have called to be leaders in this place. You have set them apart to study and learn and draw others into a closer relationship with our Lord. Grant them the qualities that are required for the tasks You have given into their care. Bless them as they bring others into a closer relationship with You through their leading and teaching. Bless our leaders, Lord!

South Africa

God, bless our land and people. Guide the leaders who have been appointed to serve in Government that they may work well for the betterment of services for the people of our country. We pray for the farmers across our land, that they be able to plant crops at the right time, that there may be rain in season, and that the harvest may be gathered in to provide food for the people of South Africa. May we all work together harmoniously for the betterment of our land and people.

The Needy

Lord, there is such need in our people. We pray for those whose health requires treatment, that they may be able to obtain what is required. We pray too for our land and people, that we may work harmoniously for the betterment of conditions all across our land. Protect, guide and help us all in South Africa, we pray.

 Monday 2nd March               John 17: 14

Not of this world! We all grow up in different homes and different circumstances. We react differently from one another, yet when we receive the Word of God into our hearts, because of our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we are changed. The way we think and act becomes different. We become gentle and more considerate of others, just like Jesus. We are no longer selfish and self-centred, but become considerate and caring, and our speech changes as well. We give honour to our Lord Jesus Christ, longing to be more like Him in thought, word and deed. We are changed forever and now are not of this world, but belong to Christ and His world. He gave us His message, we accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour, and we began to change. Our nature became like His and we are now able to live as His own, honouring God in all that we think, say or do.

Tuesday 3rd March                 Psalm 27: 1 - 14

Our need of God! When we become downcast due to some difficulties we have had with family or friends, we turn to God. In our sadness we can be sure of One who understands our state of mind. God comes and tells us to have faith and trust in Him, for He will never let us down. He will never reject us. Our God knows all our emotions and feelings and wants to assure us that His love for us is constant and true. God will not reject us. Though man may hurt us with words or even physical means God will never do so. He is our Father, who loves us unconditionally. He is our Lord, Son of God, who gave His life so that we can receive eternal life. God is constant and true and comes to comfort and support us in our time of need. God is loving, kind and always caring. He calls us to draw near and accept His love. We mean so much to Him. He cares for us with loving kindness that never changes. Thanks be to our Lord and our God!

Wednesday 4th March         Ezra 7: 10

Faithful Service Ezra gives us the example of faithful service for the Lord. He sought to gain the greatest knowledge of God’s laws, so that he could teach the people of Israel. This call on his life is a challenge for us all. Do we follow God’s call with such devotion? Are we willing to be used by God to spread His Word far and wide, so that many others will grow in knowledge and understanding of our Lord? As we learn from our Lord He does not want us to keep that knowledge to ourselves, but to share it with as many people as possible. We all are called to witness to the love of God, the faithfulness of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit in building our faith walk. Give thanks to the Lord God Almighty for the faithful folk who we read about in the Bible. God wants His Word to reach every living person.

Thursday 5th March             Habakkuk 2: 20

Silence! Often, when we come seeking our Lord and our God we need to be silent. Still your hearts, O children of the Most High, and allow the Spirit of God to begin to stir within you. In silence experience the truth of God. Remain in awe and stillness as God ministers to your heart. He brings fragrance into the meeting and joy in this time. Our souls are filled with Him! He stirs in the deepest recesses of our being, and we acknowledge Him as Lord of All. The Presence of our God brings us to our knees, and there we rest, felled by the Spirit of God, worshipping in silence, with our whole attention focussed on our Lord and Saviour. God, the Holy God, Three in One, Father, Son and Spirit, desires our worship! We praise Him, in silence, worshipping with body, soul and spirit. Blessed is the Lord of Lords. Holy God, blessed Lord, we worship and honour You now and always. Praise God who ministers to our hearts – in silence. Blessings and honour be unto our God!

 Friday 6th March         John 13: 10 - 15

We are servants!  There are many people in the world who lord it over others. They think that having wealth and position of authority sets them above everyone else. Jesus tells us that to be His followers this is not the way to behave. To emphasize this He gave a physical demonstration. He knelt before His disciples, helped them remove their sandals. Then He gently washed their feet and dried them. The disciples were astonished by this, but Jesus gently told them that He had given them the example they should follow. No one should consider themselves above another. The example Jesus set was for all who follow Him. We are to be servants to others. We must do all we can to bring gentle and caring love to those we want to teach about Jesus and His life of service. Let God place a servant heart in you, so that you are constantly aware of the responsibility of following Jesus as His disciple.

Saturday 7th March              Acts 1; 14

Gather together! Jesus’ disciples gathered together after His crucifixion to pray as a group. They found comfort in being together and spent many hours in prayer bringing their grief over Jesus’ death to our Father God. This gathering together brought strength and comfort to them in those difficult days. They met together to share meals and to discuss the issues they faced, and to seek the way forward. Jesus had told them before He died that they were to go to the city and wait for instructions. We also gather together to pray, to speak, to comfort one another and to plan the way forward. We are told to spread the Word of God and of Jesus Christ, His Son, to as many as possible. We do so when we share of our experiences in our faith walk with the Lord. Gather together in Jesus’ Name, and encourage one another to read, share and speak the Gospel message. God encourages us to speak and witness to His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord!

Sunday 8th March                

We praise You O Lord, our God. We lift You high so that all people can see You and worship You, in Spirit and in Truth. Blessed is Your Name, O Lord. We come to honour You, to praise You and to seek Your will and way for our lives. We love You Lord, and thank You for Your loving kindness that You pour out so generously upon us. May we seek Your will and way – to learn what You require of us and to go out in Your name to bring Your message of love and goodness to many others. Thank You for calling us to be Your own, and thank You too for the tasks You give us to bring Your Word to others. May we serve You with heart, soul, mind and strength, and also with love in our hearts for You, and for those You send across our paths. Bless us Lord, as we serve You through the love You give. We serve with joy O Lord, for it is an honour to be called children of the Most High God. Praise Your blessed Name, O Lord our God! Hallelujah!

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