Colin's Wise Wednesday - 22nd January 2020
- Details
- Category: God of Wonders
- Written by Nicole
- Hits: 3695
This morning while reading a devotion about the writer’s loving Retriever it reminded me of my adorable (I thought so, not necessarily a sentiment shared by my family!) parrot Zulu.
Zulu trusted me for food, shelter, medical care and love that I gave him. I hand reared him and had my own little “ET” ugly but adorable. He knew no other love than mine. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by love and dependence from your pet? I did. Zulu and I spent a lot of time together, holding him, feeding him, teaching him to sing and do his “ploops” on demand before allowing him on my shoulder. We sang Hey, hey Baby together as well as my favorite, Glory, glory Man United. My Liverpool friends tried to teach him to sing You will never walk Alone but fortunately he refused to sing that… I loved him even more for that.
The story hasn’t got a happy ending for me, maybe Zulu feels differently. After retiring I was offered a position in India for a year and despite attention from Lyn and Chad Zulu became more and more “impossible”. He spent a lot of his day covered - the only way to stop him from him from squawking. Not fair on him or the family. We decided to give him to a zoo and now his days are spent in the tea garden, possibly singing and being able to squawk without being covered. Is he happy? I’m not sure but boy I do miss him.
If I can love my parrot with all my heart, how much more does God love me and you? And you know what, we can depend on God’s promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. We won’t have to be kept covered to keep us quiet…we can shout out or whisper and He will hear us
Let’s pray: Father, thank You for the birds and animals that depend upon us for goodness and love, please help us not to let them down. Thanks for Your assurance that the love You have for me is unquestionable, enduring and forever. Thanks for being my constant companion, please “smother” me with Your love. I am Yours and You are mine. Amen.
God bless and please take care ~ Lyn & Colin