Colin's Wise Wednesday - 29th January 2020

I’m not sure what you do in life – if you’re employed, are a ‘home executive’, a scholar or retired like me but please  “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” says Paul in Colossians.

During the latter part of the 33 years I worked at Makro I often thought that God wanted me to do other more “important” things with my life so I could bring  glory to His name. Then I came across the verse above and it made a big difference to my attitude to work. I came across this verse again in a meditation in ‘Note to Self’ and memories flooded back to the good years at a Makro Store when I was fortunate to start the day with our Staff in prayer.  I often used this verse to open the prayer….a reminder to the staff and to me of who we were working for.  As it says so aptly in ‘Note to Self’:  we need to see all of life as spiritual, and our calling or employment as work for God regardless of pay, position, or its connection to the Church.  In other words, stop treating what you spend the bulk of your day doing as something divorced from God and His work through you.  The work you do is one of the best ways in which you can glorify God. If you do it to the best of your ability and the glorification to God you will reflect His beauty to everyone you come into contact with.

Our calling is to be faithful to God where we are and by doing this all our work is sacred, spiritual and worthy of our full attention and energy. When we get to work we are not entering a secular environment as much as we are bringing the sacred into the World by following Christ wherever we are and in whatever we do.  Don’t think that you are not meant to be where you are right now.  God has placed you there for a reason or a season.  We can make a huge difference to this world when we serve God in all that we do.

Let’s pray: Almighty God thank You for the present, a special gift from thee. Please God help me to use the now, no matter where I am or what I am doing to the best of my ability and to the glorification of your name.  

Take care and God bless ~ Colin & Lyn

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