Colin's Wise Wednesday - 26th February 2020

What do you need most?  Have you ever thought about this?  I had the answer straight away…. honestly? No but I came across a reading the other day that made me realize what I really need. Coincidence or Godincidence? Let me share it with you:

What I need most from God is the realization of His presence with me. And what God needs most from me is my desire to live in close relationship with Him. I love theology, Bible Study and devotional literature, I just love them. But I yearn most for an instinctive awareness of God within me. There is a rest that only God can bring to a weary soul. And there is a joy that warms the heart of God when we lift our hands and spirits towards Him.

Let’s Pray: Father oh how I need You. I stretch my hands to You. No other help will do. Amen

Take care and God bless ~ Lyn & Colin


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